A Beauty of a Day Poem for Renee

A Beauty of a Day

A Beauty of a Day

For Renée

25 March 2024

Louis Vincent Balbi

Some of us are odd 
ducks or lone-wolf misanthropes: 
Quasimodo perched 
on a cathedral’s high ledge; 
the mask-faced Phantom 
skulking in the opera; 
a hoarse Beast speaking 
in angry growls as he prowls 
around his castle. 

But you are a swan, 
Sister, gliding on your smile. 
You wish good for all — 
including the unworthy, 
example: me, the 
big brother I failed to be 
but who always loved 
my sisters from their birth day. 
Know that all the time — 
but especially today — 
I truly wish you 
all the beauty and wonder 
of this precious day.