Every Book Has a SoulBalbi Poems / By Louis Vincent Balbi / July 4, 2023 Every Book Has a Soul 4 July 2023 Louis Vincent Balbi AUDIO: Every Book Has a Soul read by Louis Vincent Balbi https://bookishbalbi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Every-Book-Has-a-Soul-07292023_08012023.mp3 Do corporations have human rights? “Certainly,” ruled the Supreme Court. But those entities have a black hole at their core with no heart, no soul. True creations hold a piece of their creator’s essence: heart, mind, soul. Our published words are humanity incarnate in glorified form. And so, books have souls. Their sacred right: to be read — profane or holy. Some books resonate but don’t align with one’s views. That’s their gift to you. Those who serve the good have grace to discern the truth: No Book Should Be Banned. Credit: Image by Charlotte 202003 from Pixabay