Lost My Train of ThoughtBalbi Poems / By Louis Vincent Balbi / October 24, 2023 Lost My Train of Thought 14 October 2023 Louis Vincent Balbi AUDIO: Lost My Train of Thought read by Louis Vincent Balbi https://bookishbalbi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Lost-My-Train-of-Thought-Rev2-10222023_10232023.mp3 Brain Error Log: Neuronal Transmission Interruption at Synaptic Junction Episode 5775: Variation Delta Note: Prognosis TBD Lost my train of thought . . . got derailed by fog’s blank wall. Now I can’t find my way back — What do I . . . do now? Episode 5777: Variation Gamma Note: Prognosis Positive Lost my train of thought . . . derailed by a new idea. Now I can’t find my way back — What do I . . . think about now? Image Credits: Neuron Cranium by Gordon Johnson and Fog Train Tracks by Alari Tammsalu from Pixabay