Miracle Marks on the Wall Poem

Miracle Marks on the Wall

Miracle Marks on the Wall

For Raquel

29 September 2021

Louis Vincent Balbi

AUDIO: Miracle Marks on the Wall read by Louis Vincent Balbi

Another hash mark on our family’s wall
keeps count, commemorates another birthday.

A day to decide whether
to float meekly along
on time’s current in silence
or to holler like a newborn,
not in fear or distress,
but in proud defiance.

For we celebrate birthdays
because we’ve drawn breath
another year in a universe
where the odds are dead set
against the next breath,
against life ever being born,
against life surviving
even a single day —
let alone another year.

We celebrate birthdays
because, like every day,
is to be celebrated
for the miracle it is.

So, Happy Birthday, Sister,
for the miracle you are.
Enjoy this day, your day,
and all those that follow.